Motorcycle Maniac

Created by GEOFF 3 years ago

Late sixties, and I’m doing an evening shift at the Municipal Golf Course in Southampton, Brian present at shutdown offering me a lift home. A year older than Brian, I knew him only too well, junior golfers together, and later to enjoy many rounds of golf at Stoneham with him, Tim Hawkins and my good friend Mike Broad. In those early days, Brian exuded a confidence (and yes, brashness) that I wished I’d possessed, and of sufficient quantity for me to question whether I really wanted to risk  that lift home, a pillion passenger for the first time - HIS passenger, knowing I had no control! Well, Brian did not disappoint me, my view entirely accurate, my nerves shredded, and that unforgettable journey at speed my awakening should I have ever thought motorcycles were mine in the future to try...... My first and last time. Brian may have done me a favour that night, though it hadn’t felt like it at the time! I last saw Brian in the late eighties at a garden centre in Cadnam, as loud and cheerful as ever, but his greeting to wards me as always enthusiastic, despite the time that had passed. And now his time has passed, and I’m truly sorry.  Geoff Muller